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Urban Change Over Time

A spectacular photographic observation reveals how Switzerland is changing

For 15 years, Meret Wandeler and Ulrich Görlich have photographically investigated how construction and urban development change the character of a typical Swiss suburban community. Sixty-three locations throughout the satellite town of Schlieren near Zürich have been photographed under identical conditions every two years, showing the changes in the spatial interplay of buildings, streets, and green spaces. The overviews thus do not present individual buildings, but the relationships between architecture, landscape, streets and sidewalks, and the street furnishings at each of the said locations. The result is a fascinating documentation of spatial change.

Selected photographs of five locations from 2005 to 2019 can be seen below in chronological order. These overwiews show how Switzerland is changing. The book presentation of Urban Change Over Time will take place on May 25, 2023, 7 p.m., at Architekturforum Zürich.

Schlieren, Schulstrasse, looking east, Im Hübler

Schlieren, Engstringerbrücke, looking northeast, Rietbach and Rüti area

Schlieren, Goldschlägistrasse, looking northeast, Rietbach area

Schlieren, field path between Steinackerstrasse and Alter Zürichweg, looking northeast, Schlieremer Berg

Schlieren, Brandstrasse, looking west, Rietbach area

Available in May 2023!

Urban Change Over Time

The Photographic Observation of Schlieren 2005–2020 Reveals How Switzerland Is Changing